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The first birthday in our family to be celebrated in BA!

October 23, 2009

the mandatory family birthday pose...required every year on your birthday in front of you cake.

the mandatory family birthday pose...required every year on your birthday in front of your cake

So, there was much anticipation for the first family birthday to be celebrated in our new “host” county. Would there be a cake? Would there be gifts? How would a “gringo” celebrate her diez cumpleanos in Argentina?

Good news….it was a huge success!  The cake was a big family discussion….but after weeks of taking hints, taking tastes of  bakery treats, determining homemade as an unachievable goal at this point in our adventure…..we found something we thought would meet Adeline’s high cake standards.  This winner was a chocolate brownie, layered with dulche de leche and topped with meringue.  I have to say, and the whole family will agree, this was the BEST birthday cake ever.  Mac, being ever the diplomat, claimed he liked my homemade layer-cakes more.  I think he was being kind and wanting to spare my feelings from the rave reviews this “store-bought” cake was receiving.  I appreciate his sensitivity to my feelings but in actuality, this cake rocked!!

The cake decorating was another issue all together.  Fortunately, there is a store that specializes in this…like all the other stores in our neighborhood…specialization is key! This store has a wide assortment of items you can choose to place on your cake…talk about specialization! Dan and I  had loads of fun picking out what we thought would be the perfect decoration for Adeline’s 10th Birthday Cake.  Turns out…we did a great job and she was blown away by the cake…both in taste and appearance.

As for the presents, Adeline received a new watch, a messenger bag (for her libros de español), a twix bar and a set of colored pencils.  Simple pleasures…that is our M.O. here.  She was thrilled with her gifts so we considered the day a success!

So, looking in the rearview mirror…..I admit I was a little worried that the first birthday might be rough…high expectations, no native experience in b-day celebrations, and then there is the whole LANGUAGE issue (no need to dwell on this) but it was great!!  Adeline was treated like a princess at clase de español-they bought her a birthday cake, took her to the candy store and presented her with  a beautiful bracelet.  Is just doesn’t get any better than that!  She left school walking on air!

Below is another photo of the birthday celebration at home..notice the pyrotechnics on the cake….Big HIT!!!

Still wondering if we can export these "candles" to the U.S.

Still wondering if we can export these "candles" to the U.S.

16 Comments leave one →
  1. Sarah permalink
    October 25, 2009 16:05

    It looks like her birthday was a huge success! I can’t believe she’s 10!! It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was at the Shirlington apartment with Mac waiting for her arrival 🙂 And she looks so grown up! no more little girl face! hope you guys had a great weekend!

  2. Debbie B. permalink
    October 25, 2009 20:19

    Oh my goodness Meg! Adeline is really starting to look more and more like you!!!! Love the birthday pictures…..thanks for sharing!!!!

    Hope everyone is well…missing all of you!!!!

  3. The Other Megan permalink
    October 25, 2009 21:09

    Great pictures!! Happy Birthday, Adeline!!

  4. Bea permalink
    October 25, 2009 21:10

    Love the picture. They were totally “in the moment” and you captured it……Priceless!!!!

  5. Tom Aylmer permalink
    October 26, 2009 19:53

    Sorry for the delay………Happy B/D to the nicest girl we know….Grandmother and Boompa

  6. Susan Weinman permalink
    October 28, 2009 10:45

    Thanks for sharing lots of your experiences with all of us. I loved the picture of the fireworks on the cake. David picked up a similar item when he was in Brazil and we used it on Paula’s cake. Quite the hit!!

    Thanks also for all the photos of your previous block, Flat Stanley, the safe, and the grocery experience. Continue to have a great time experiencing all of life there.

    • Gringos In Argentina permalink*
      October 28, 2009 18:52

      so great to hear from you susan. we are having loads of fun…..what an adventure.
      the cake was a surprisingly big hit. too bad we can’t get these pyrotechnics in the states.

      hope everyone is well there. please keep us posted on your happenings.
      and if life finds you in the mood for travel……think of us!!

      meg, dan and the gang!!

  7. October 28, 2009 19:25

    Happy Birthday Adeline!!
    Your cake sounds delicious!!! I looooove argentina´s dulche de leche! And how about that beautiful!! Loved to hear about Mac´s diplomacy. Kids, you all look gorgeous. Big kiss from Renata in Rio!

  8. Lynn Roberts permalink
    October 30, 2009 16:23

    Great way to celebrate the day!! Muy complianos, Adeline!
    From Lynn and Don in Santa Fe

  9. Lisa Marie Cheney permalink
    October 31, 2009 14:57

    Please tell Adeline they Cheney’s send her a very happy birthday wish–even if it is a little late. The cake looks awesome!! Where can we get a candle like that!!!

    Kayla wants to know if we can come visit you over the Easter break!

  10. Rachel permalink
    November 1, 2009 11:31

    Nice cake. Speaking of exporting, have you seen any Spa’s yet? Let me know if you see any thing I might like.

  11. Marilyn Di Nicolantonio permalink
    November 3, 2009 16:52

    Way to go Mom, you ROCK! You can make a party anywhere you go!!!!

  12. maura permalink
    November 9, 2009 22:49

    Oh, Megan, it sounds wonderful. Nick was really impressed by the candle. I hope Adeline had a fantastic birthday. The kids look great and so happy and stress-free! No worries about signing that assignment book every night – aargh!!!

  13. Grace B permalink
    November 11, 2009 20:55

    Happy Birthday Adeline! It looks like you had a lot of fun. Your birthday cake was awesome. So cool.

    Lycos is extremely cute, as always. She loves hanging out on my bed. Your Mom is going to be so excited about that!!!

    I miss you! – Grace

    • megan permalink*
      November 11, 2009 21:03

      grace….thanks for the birthday greetings. i am soooo excited lycos loves hanging with you. that way she won’t be lonely.
      i miss seeing you and having slumber parties.
      hope you had a great halloween and please keep sending me messages!
      ps…i lost a tooth yesterday….tooth fairy hasn’t shown up yet.

  14. Michelle permalink
    November 27, 2009 16:46

    Belated Happy 10th Birthday Adeline! Looks like you are having tons of fun, we miss you!
    xoxoxo Nolan Brendan

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